Wiring diagram of the world's most iconic guitar - the Stratocaster with its 5 way switch. This strat wiring diagram is based on our stratocaster wiring kit and makes use of vintage push back cloth wire and a 0.047uf orange drop capacitor. Modern Strats typically use a 0.047uF capacitor but in the 50's and early 60s, Fender used a much higher value cap, 0.1uF, resulting in a darker tone.
Fender have long used three audio pots in their Strat guitars but if you have ever owned a Strat copy from China/Korea etc...and you remove the pickguard you'll likely see that it uses A250k (audio) for volume and B250k (linear) for the two tone controls. For further Stratocaster wiring mods have a look at our other strat wiring diagrams below.
More Strat wiring diagrams:
Gilmour Strat Wiring Mod (7 Way Strat)
Super Strat HSS (Humbucker, Single Coil, Single Coil)
Stratocaster with 1 Master Volume and Master Tone